Ally Guayusa: Organic Guayusa Tea



Ally Guayusa Logo.png

Aliados is working with Ally Guayusa, an indigenous-owned guayusa export association with the goal to maximize benefits to farmers from the guayusa supply chain. Aliados supports this ground-breaking community enterprise build management and governance capacity, finance infrastructure costs, certify agroforestry systems (organic and kosher) and with international marketing. The association’s farmers are committed to the association’s business strategy, producing organic guayusa that complies with international specifications. Ally Guayusa is creating local jobs, provides direct benefits for farmers without destroying the forest, and exemplifies the power of best practice business innovation for sustainability in the Amazon.

Impact & Positive Change

  1. 40 hectares of guayusa under organic production

  2. State of the art processing facility with 800 kg p/month production capacity

  3. Sustainable income generating activities for 140 farming families

  4. Product diversification incorporating wild jungle peanuts and macambo into regenerative farming systems. Ally Guayusa earned over $10,000 from jungle peanuts in 2022, and are scaling up this new product in 2023.